
Winter Watering your newly installed plants, trees and turf is a very important part of ensuring that your landscaping comes back to life in the Spring.

Browne & Associates is a landscaping company in Denver that wants to be sure you know how to care for your lawn once installed so that it can stay looking as beautiful as you dreamed. Winter watering is a very important part of ensuring that your newly installed plants, trees and turf come back to life in the Spring.

By not watering your trees, plants and new turf, you can expect problems in the spring, as there will be plants and trees that did not survive.  This is extremely important for the first 3 seasons after your landscape has been installed.  As time progresses, the importance may decrease as plants, trees and turf become more established and rooted into the earth. However we recommend caring for your landscape as you care for your home. As a known Denver landscaping company, we want to ensure that your landscape stays in top shape, so that you are happy with it.

The frequency and amount of water that you give your landscape in the Winter will vary with the conditions and weather that we experience.  You do not need to water plantings when it is below 40 degrees; however, the warmer it becomes, the more important it is to water. This will keep your plants alive and healthy, and, after the frosts are gone in the spring, it allows them to flourish during the blooming months.

For more information on watering your landscape in the winter, please visit Colorado State University’s “Winter Watering Guidelines” and Denver Water’s “Guidelines for Watering Trees.” These articles will give you the tips you need to correctly care for your lawn, so that it will remain the envy of the neighborhood.

Colorado State University – Winter Watering Guidelines

Denver Water’s Guidelines for Tree Watering